group Workshops

what are workshops for?

Small or large, one-off or regular, workshops bring people together when it matters.  A workshop is a place to engage with an important topic; to discuss concerns; learn from each other; update on cultural issues; practice new behaviours; develop essential skills; build understanding and alignment; create vision and values; explore new ideas; launch a project ... the list is endless!

The French Alps make an inspiring location for training and development!

The French Alps make an inspiring location for training and development!

The investments of time and resources with Hilary have been among the best returning investments we have ever made.
— Founding Partner, Private Equity firm

My experience in running workshops traces back through my entire career.  I have not changed my belief that participants must be able to transfer their learning to the job straight away, so my workshops always maintain relevance and alignment with the organisation's goals. 

what's involved?

I collaborate with an organisational sponsor to create a workshop to meet an agreed need.  Based on your criteria and my experience, I will design and craft a bespoke solution.

I lead workshops in an inclusive and energetic style, careful to provide the environment and the structure to keep the ambience stimulating, safe and creative for the different participants.

I offer pre- and post-workshop contact with participants, including coaching. This enables the organisation to maximise the value from the group sessions and we ensure that the outcomes are individually followed-through.

Hilary really listened and used that to bring out the best in us.
— M.D. Supply Chain Technology firm
My partners and I have been working with Hilary for many years. As a result of her coaching we have all become more effective communicators not only in formal events but as importantly, in more informal environments.
— Partner, investment firm